Psych Tech

 Our expert team of psychologists and psychometricians collaborate with businesses to create proprietary evidence-based assessments that can be seamlessly integrated into our web-based platforms and applications.

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To Stay Competitive, You Need to Invest in a Proprietary Data Strategy

In today's world, to stay competitive, you need to develop a proprietary data strategy. This means creating your own measures brand and consumer behavior that's important to your business. We apply a rigorous, 3-step approach to creating proprietary evidence-based measures. Such measures can help uncover key psychographic information about your target audience, the brands you track, or other market behavior. 


How Creating Your Own Measures Can Help Your Business

In this white paper, we'll show you how one of our clients increased their sales by 50% when using their own psych tech measure and platform.


Our Three Step Process

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The Plan

In the planning stage, our expert team of psychologists and psychometricians host four workshops. All of this results in a product plan to maximize the usefulness of our psych tech services and help you grow your business.

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The Product

In the product stage, our psych tech team takes your product plan and builds your customer measure and white labeled psych tech platform.

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The Proof

In the proofing stage, our team collects data and uses advanced data analytic strategies to provide evidence for the accuracy and validity of your proprietary assessment(s). The result of this stage is a technical paper and a proof paper.


Whether You're an Agency or a Consultant, We Have You Covered

At Inkblot, we offer a variety of psych tech services, including:

Use psychology to understand consumer relationships with brands.

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Understand people’s psychological profiles, such as personality profiles.

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